The Tübingen Anglo-Irish Theatre Group

Guest Book

We would be very grateful if you could take the time to let us know who you are, what brought you here, and what delighted, excited, depressed or distressed you about our site.

Fill in as much or as little as you want . We are grateful for any feedback you might have.

Who are you?

I am (name) And I come from (where do you live)?

I would classify myself as


What attracted you to our site (tick as many as necessary)
I wanted to find out about current and forthcoming events.
I wanted to find out about the group in general.
I wanted to find out about people in the group.
I wanted to find out about play(s) the group has done.
I wanted to find out about conferences the group has held.
I am interested in Irish theatre and drama.
I am interested in Ireland and things Irish.
I am interested in theatre and drama in general.
I am interested in Tübingen.
I'm an active member of the group.
I'm a passive member of the group.
I'm an ex-member of the group.
I'm a friend (or fan!) of somebody in the group.
I've seen the group perform.
I've heard of the group.
I was passing by, and dropped in out of idle curiosity.
I'm a nerd who wanted to look at the formatting.

How did you arrive at our website?

(Please click the appropriate circle)
From a bookmark (in which case, we are flattered).
I got your address from someone I know.
From the results of a search.
I was searching for
From a link on another page.
I came from the page
I got your address somewhere else.
I found you mentioned in

What do you think of our site?

The information is
less than I expected?
just what I expected?
more than I expected?

The information is
less than I hoped?
just what I hoped?
more than I hoped?

I could find my way around the site easily?

I found the appearance of the site to be

The appearance of the site is

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

Should we keep in touch?

Add me to your distribution list for notification about events?
My e-mail address is

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